Monday, January 24, 2011

Sending out an SOS/ Cool Picture

First off, for some strange reason my header image will either look really small, or be normal sized but fuzzy. I am pretty good with blog backgrounds but for some reason I am stumped on this one. Does anyone know how to fix it? HELP...

Second, My dad sent me this link that is a picture from the National Championship game. I encourage you to find yourself! I found myself(zoom into about the 35 yard line, and then scroll up to the part where there is a sign in the background saying "BCS National" and go about 4 rows down, look for guy in white hat and I am looking down)! Did you find me? It is neat because it is a lot of pictures put together! (you can tell because play is going on, cam is celebrating, and drum majors are on the field).

Thirdly, Have you seen these commercials? Sure you have, but every time I see one it makes my heart happy, and eyes a little teary. Here is one of my favorites I will pass along to you!

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