Sunday, February 21, 2010

Grab Bag

So i suppose it is time for a new post, and todays post is a grab bag of thoughts.

1. elections. we are in the midst of a run-off election for SGA president, and last week we had an Alpha Gam up for Miss Auburn. All of us had to escort and it was a lot of fun escorting Katie. She had such a great attitude and i loved getting to know her and see Christ radiate through her. There were also other candidates up from different sororities and i noticed my relationships with my friends in other sororities not be so strong last week. That makes me sad, and it makes me wonder what it will be like in 2 years, because i have a strong felling my good friends will be up for those positions.

2. room 226. we got our room for next year and i cannot wait to live on the hall.

3. satisfied. i have a lot of wants floating around in my head. i am noticing myself wanting more and more clothes, and materialist things, and that has been a struggle, because as you know money does not grow on trees. i am struggling learning to be satisfied in how bless i am to have what i already have.

4. major. Public Relations or Education? I want to do both, but i cant major in both. what's a girl to do? I ask you join with me in praying as I seek God's guidance in this area.

5. passion. i prayed and prayed that god would give me passion in high school. and i never knew what my passion really was. i found it in planning stuff (aka sga, yes i am a nerd) but it is no where near the passion for auburn i have. i am so passionate about auburn it is weird. I love sharing my experiences with the prospective students who roam through my room every day, and hope to be in a position where i can continue to do this in the years to come.

6. lent. i have never given something up for lent in the past, but this year i decided to 'add' something to my routine. there are several books i want to read, so i decided i am going to read 30 minutes everyday for the next 40 days. help keep me accountable! so ask me what i am reading!

anyways, long post. so thanks if you read.
feel free to comment.

must music to watch

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