So I must admit that I have been avoiding a post with any substances lately because my brain is so mentally fried that I couldn't form sentences enough to write. So I will apologize in advanced if this is like so scattered.
Anyways, I was thinking what has happened in my life (because I know you are sitting the edge of your seat waiting to hear... okay, I can kid myself) and there has not been too much change.
One major thing is our week of hard campaigning.. for 3 of the top 5, did you hear that right, T H R E E of the top 5 up for Miss Auburn were Alpha Gam, and out of those Millie Harrison won Miss Auburn. We were so thrilled and it feels good when you work so hard and it pays off.
I ran for Senate that week (unopposed, however) and we tonight I have my first senate meeting!
For some reason, when I signed up for my classes I was able to get no classes on Mondays and Fridays, I know what you are thinking, cool, awesome, no fair, you get to sleep in and all. WRONG. I have to do 25 hours of service learning this semester, on top of my student recruiter tours so I somehow stay busy.

For my service learning I was assigned the Media Center at Olgetree Elementary School, yeah, imagine my thoughts when I a Secondary Math Education major was assigned an Elementary School Library?! Although books are not my specialty, it has been fun, I spend a lot of time checking out books, and shelving them, so I get to meet a lot of different kids. One kids made my day today by saying,
"ooo you are pretty, will you be my Valentine?" So it may be against the law, but at least someone wants to be my Valentine.
Really I am spending my Valentine's like a Single Lady, and I am okay with that. After Senate I am going to put my pj's on, eat the cookies and candy we have in the dorm, and watch my favorite movies.
So Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day to all my few and faithful readers.

oh that makes me so happy you're at Ogletree! I tutored a little boy in reading there and it is SUCH a great school and SO nice!!! And don't worry...if having underage valentines is illegal...i'm in BIG trouble.