Do not let the length scare you:
Okay, so I had a blast this weekend. What did I do you may ask?
Well 12 of us girls went down to Mobile to stay at Alexandra's house for some Mardi Gras festivities! You have to know that where ever Alexandra's mom aka "Silly Twilley" is it will be a blast. She was our chaperone spring break last year, but I feel like she is just one of the girls! My car left 7am Saturday morning and made it right when everyone was waking up that morning. We ate and ate and then went to parades and then ate some more. Get my drift? Mrs. Twilley made BBQ chicken, twice baked potatoes, salad, cookie cake, king's cake, pound cake, cinnamon rolls, Sister Schubert sausage rolls, double doozie cookies, lots of fruit, moonpies (peanut butter ones were the 'hot' flavor) and probably something else.
Anyways, It was my first time to Mardi Gras and so I was not knowing what to expect. I was able to collect so many beads and now I want to go back! Sadly my camera was dying so my pictures are coming from my sweet friends and my cell phone. Sorry guys.. I will try not to be such a failure next time.
Here are some pictures from the parade..
These pictures came from Alexandra, thanks :)

Kak showing off her stuffed bunny. I love Annie and Hunter laughing in the background

All Annie wanted was some pink beads. Does that surprise you?

Hunter and his giant crayon!

Molly and I got some goodies too!

The MOMs parade at night was a little more crowded so we did not got as many goodies
Okay here is the best part, I swear I have the funniest friends in the ENTIRE WORLD!
We were enjoying our dinner at Felix's Seafood Restaurant and little sneaky Jessica Epperson has the most brilliant idea.
Well Hunter and Caroline were dancing to the band and then someone went out and yelled "Tell them congratulations,they just got engaged" so after the restaurant all applauded and congratulated them we spent the rest of the night going along with the story. It was HILARIOUS! Our waitress totally believed it and took their picture and gave them a 10% coupon for next time they come.
The sad part was that she still believed it even after they did not sit next to each other at the dinner table, after Hunter did not pay for Caroline's dinner, and after Caroline did not have a diamond ring on. I mean surely my fiance will buy my dinner the night of our engagement..
Maybe this is one of those had to be there to think it is funny, but truly I have not laughed that much in a long long long time. I can always count 0n laughing when I am with my friends.
So we are planning the "Bachelorette" Party for Spring Break in New York in hopes of getting some more free dessert.

The free desert and sparkler the waitress brought to celebrate!

Do not worry we gave her a candlelight in the restaurant

The card that the waitress brought, she later put a picture of the happy couple inside!

The weekend left me exhausted and so I am looking forward to going to bed early after the Oscars and before my busy Monday. I have Talon's Day at 7am and then a Teach for America interview tomorrow night (keep your fingers crossed). I cannot believe spring break is in 2 weeks, this year some of us girls are going to Orlando for half of the trip and New York(aka my future home) for the other half. If anyone has any suggestions on what to do/see/eat please do share.
Thanks again to the Twilleys for being such great hosts for the weekend! I cannot wait to come back and visit again!
PS: Take the poll on the left side of the blog
Such a fun trip!! I loved having these college with dear girlfriends. And I am super jealous that you are going to New York. This is one my ALL time favorite places. One of my favorite things to do is is to Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and also eat at a fabulous Pizza place under the brooklyn bridge called Grimaldis. So Yummy. And Good Luck on your interview!!!
ReplyDeleteI am soooo very blessed! I love each and every one of you Virginia!! I hope this is an annual event for ya'll! Even when you are married and have children...just means we will have to pull out sleeping bags and pillows! Happy Mardi Gras!!Momma T Ü
ReplyDeleteThanks Megan for the suggestions! I will check that out and good luck in your half marathon!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Twilley-Do not worry I will be back!