Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome Home

I am now back to the plains and loving being here. I moved in a few weeks ago and rush was consuming most of my time. I was nervous being on this side of rush, but I ended up enjoying it and thought it was really fun. Moving into the village was a little rough, just because of the parking issues and the heat. I am going to post some pictures of my new dorm room (which I am obsessed with). I do not have much news and info to share. This weekend I have my Student Recruiter retreat so I have been studying my information for my test..

Did you know that the Quad Dorms did not get air condition until 1998? CAN YOU IMAGINE? and that there are 2 time capsules buried on Auburn's campus? Pretty cool!

this is one view of my room. I can truly say I have the greatest Dad in the world. He stayed up until 1am one night to build that shelving unit. Doesn't it look so pretty? I LOVE IT.
Anyone notice the Friends Episodes?
This is my bed, which I know looks like it may have been a 6 year old little girl's bedding, but I love it. I love the monograms and the pink and green!
I loved having some future gammers come and visit (along with their sweet mamas!)
Here are us roomies on bid day! Annie and I had the same bid day dress.. I guess great minds think alike.

Heading to lunch and Public Speaking.. Almost done with week 1!

1 comment:

  1. fun fact...i was freshman in 98...the first year any of the quad dorms had ac. however, only owen and keller had it that year. the rest of us were without, as i lived dowdell. wouldn't change it for anything, though.
